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Important notes

There are some points to be aware of when using services which use Misskey.

  • Due to its decentralized nature, once uploaded, data is not guaranteed to be deleted from all other servers, even if deleted. (However, this is also true for the Internet in general)
  • Even if a post is created as private, there is no guarantee that the other servers will treat it as private as well. So, please use caution when posting personal or confidential information. (However, this is also true for the Internet in general)
  • The "Drive" feature in Misskey should not be considered a typical cloud storage. This feature is for managing and reusing uploaded files for your post. Any uploaded data can be accessed by anyone who knows the URL, regardless of whether or not they have ever attached it to a note. Please use a dedicated service for exchanging data containing sensitive information.
  • Account deletion is an intensive process and may take a long time. In cases where there is a large amount of uploaded data, it may not be possible to delete the account.
  • Some servers may cover operating costs through advertising revenue. Additionally, ad blockers often mistakenly block content or features that are completely unrelated to advertising, which can interfere with client operation and prevent you from using Misskey properly. Therefore, please use Misskey with adblockers and similar features turned off.

Please understand these points and enjoy using our services.